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Many Financial support paths for LAMA ‘s ministry efforts

We are so grateful to our financial supporters and in light of the current growth of activities we are undertaking with the resident missionaries, we need you all the more.  With most charities, one should know the amount of your donation that actually goes to the need.  We are one of the most efficient charities with your donations.  We are an ALL VOLUNTEER Ministry.  No salary, living or travel expenses!  All board members are volunteers and missionaries are supported by their sending churches and their own support base*.   100% of your donation will go to the operation and services delivered to the villagers, the children, the need.  Your donation is 100% tax deductable and, for as long as we can, 100% matched by the founders making your donation 200% effective!!!  Those of us that dedicate a lot of time to this project, are not drawing any income and even paying our own travel and living expenses to Peru ourselves, as well as being major financial contributors to the funds being spent.  With all the charities out there that support great causes, I can think of no charity that can commit that their overhead is as low as ours and that ALL of your donation goes to the work being done!![* If you would like to ear-mark support for a specific missionary  or ministry here, you can use this method, simply note their name or ministry name with your donation.]

We certainly can use all the assistance that God may bring our way though, and we are wide open to suggestions, guidance, and especially church sponsorships for the mission or receiving your missionaries.

Now we have multiple ways of giving:

  • First and foremost, your prayerful support is most needed and appreciated. We are most feed by what the Lord makes happen for us and this is assuredly directed greatly by the many prayers that are offered up for this ministry. We are very grateful for your keeping us in your prayers. Our highest prayer needs is to continue to give us favor in His direction, His wishes, and in thanks for the recent dedicated Mission couple that has committed to a long term stay here managing the Mission.  Of course, prayers for our finances; our continual relationship growth with the local villages and villagers, to minimize any ‘religious’ friction with other faiths, to strive for the spiritual health and growth of the people and community we are able to serve.  The main thrust of this Mission is to save souls .. we seek to show the people of San Juan Bautista district that missionaries have come and gone in the past but this is a permanent missionary investment in them and we are here to service their needs, and to let the world know of them, and to guide them to know Jesus more.  Thank you for your prayers.
  • Secondly, we need staff .. long term visitors.  We could house 10 fulltime staff and keep them busy.  There is so much that we would like to do in the 6 villages we serve.  Come yourself, send someone, support someone who wants to come.  This is a very important need that we are daily in prayer over.  We want to do more here and that takes more staff to accomplish.
  • Donations of any amount are easily given via this webpage, for any amount, either one-time or recurring.  Just click here or on the DONOR button below or on our home page.  (Any particular instruction can be sent with the donation via Paypal by using the note field.)  YOu may also send donations to our mailing address (on front of webpage).  No donation is too small!!  Every $10 provides for a pair of sandals and cash for the Mission through our partner, Beautiful Feet; We have been giving well needed water filters (cost $50 each) to families with small children, eliminating the need to boil water for drinking as no one can afford bottled water here.  We bring clothing, toys, school supplies, to the villagers, but with our freight limited to the luggage we can fly with, cash is always better! We often will be undertaking different specific projects around need, such as repairing a home, helping out with medical needs, dental needs, family counseling, and more, many of which may require much larger funds than we can offer, so we end up mostly in prayer with many of them.  Anything you can do, is most appreciated, will be put to immediate use, is tax deductable and will most likely be matched dollar for dollar by other givers.  Alternatively, instead of Paypal, you can email us and we will share our bank information for a direct giving or mail directly to our address above.  This saves us the Paypal fees, and even more of your funds get used by the Mission.

  • Leave a Legacy!  We have created a ‘donor brick‘ program, where your message, memorial, blessing, name, etc. can be permanently added to our donor wall in our front courtyard.  Considering the capital expendures of construction we are now undertaking, this is an excellent way of assisting our most immediate needs. Please consider putting your name or message where it will be seen for decades to come.  You may ask your message to be translated into Spanish, provide a special character (if it can be found on a font somewhere), have two or three lines.  
  • As mentioned, your financial donations to LAMA (regardless if on-line, check, cash or Donor brick) are also fully tax deductable and a receipt will be mailed to you. With all the coming expenses of labor, materials, government reporting, etc., this is the most flexible and beneficial financial offering that we can ask for. Also, if you want your financial donation earmarked to general outreach, a specific outreach, construction costs, a particular construction area, a missionaries name, a particular family, a home fund, flood relief, child fund, etc. we will also accomodate that request (where possible). We are most grateful to your giving, especially now in our time of need.
  •  By putting their logo on our site, we have also become adverrtising ‘affiliates’ of Amazon so any purchases you make on this popular service (just be sure to use the link on our website before you hit the final pay button) those purchases will benefit our ministry.  IF you access Amazon from our website (this item is not tax-deductible of course), this gets us the most percentage against your purchase, Amazon looking at it from an advertising budget.   Additionally, you can go once, and set your charity to benefit, so all future purchases you make via this link ( will benefit your charity of choice.  We would hope that you would make that us by selecting “L A M A Latin American Missions Association” as your charity of choice.   This gains us an additional half percent.  Every dollar adds up!!!   You can do both and we gain the most!  But either would be of great benefit. [To do both, use the link on our site, and then when you get to your amazon purchase page, override the ‘www’ in the amazon address, replacing it with ‘smile’.]
  • We also have many other non-financial ways you can support us, as there are many supply items we use that we never seem to be able to get enough of!  Here’s aseparate link for non-financial support.
  • Word of mouth .. please like and share our website, same with our Ministry, Mission  or YWAM Facebook pages; “Tweet” our Twitter Feed; tell others about us, inform others about our Website, Paypal, and Amazon links … everything helps!   “The harvest is plentiful, The workers are few!” 

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