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Barriga Family
17Aug2018 – Let us introduce you to our mission host family, the Barriga’s. Their names are Sosimo Andrate Barriga Romero and his wife Yannirett Mogollon de Barriga. They are both 42 years old, and they have a son, Daniel Barriga Mogollon (Just turned 7 on May 24th).
Our pastoral trained couple come to the Mission in Perú with a great deal of experience. Together they have been quite active in ministry with children, worship leadership, counseling, and other ministries for nearly two decades. Sosimo pastored a church for 4 years at Ebenezer Bautista in Barcelona Venezuela, after which he was a leader with his brother-in-law’s church “Comunidad Cristiana Discipular MARANATHA”, in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, until they left for Peru. (Church cell leader Carlos Matos, brother-in-law, is now in Columbia. We met in January 2018 in Lima and he was instrumental in getting us together with the Barriga family).
I am Avilie, from northeastern part of India known as Nagaland. I was born in a Christian family but had never led a faith-based life inspite of attending church regularly. I never felt the seriousness of living a life based on what has been commanded in the Bible. I was raised in a humble home by my mother, the only child and fatherless.
I grew up with so much of inferiority complex, fears and challenges but things started to change when I left home in the year 2018 to Delhi, (God works in unexpected ways beyond beliefs even to the point we never thought of). At this time I started dealing marijuana when I got so many requests that wanted to buy. I had risked my life of imprisonment by travelling to Shillong to score a kilo of weed (the best organic kind) for the dispensary in Delhi, the mission succeeded. This led me into a chain of addictions, I lost everything my belongings, relatives, trust, reputation, everything.

The Sheikh family – A pastoral couple and family, seeking to serve at la Misión, Ica, Perú
Pastor –Sheikh Abdul
Wife- Sheikh Lydia
Son- Sheikh Livus
Daughter – Sheikh Emi
Address: plot no -110, A-Bloak, The homes, Ayodhya bypass,Bhopal State-Madhya Pradesh. Mobile No -8871635485, 7898291114 Gmail –
Introduction: Cornerstone is comprised of a diverse progressive family oriented congregation functions as independently, Registered under World Wealth Welfare Society. As a church we feel burden passionate about preaching the love of Christ to people be all they can bOur local community a unity of 21 Families is known as a body of Christ who’s is engaged with service in the love in various aspects.