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Avilie Meru – From India to Peru


I am Avilie, from northeastern part of India known as Nagaland.   I was born in a Christian family but had never led a faith-based life inspite of attending church regularly.  I never felt the seriousness of living a life based on what has been commanded in the Bible. I was raised in a humble home by my mother, the only child and fatherless.

I grew up with so much of inferiority complex, fears and challenges but things started to change when I left home in the year 2018 to Delhi, (God works in unexpected ways beyond beliefs even to the point we never thought of).  At this time I started dealing marijuana when I got so many requests that wanted to buy. I had risked my life of imprisonment by travelling to Shillong  to score a kilo of weed (the best organic kind) for the dispensary in Delhi, the mission succeeded. This led me into a chain of addictions, I lost everything my belongings, relatives, trust, reputation, everything.

There was no place in my mind to look for God until one late evening after nearly giving up my soul on occultism! I was overwhelmed with terrible fear, and spiritual attack looked so real for the first time. I called upon the name Jesus and professing “Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord” from my mouth. What I encountered was life-changing moment grace covered me, heaviness lifted off, there was tears of joy, my heart was pouring out with tears and emotions. I started repenting of my past life. God is real, so real! I have decided to give my life totally to Christ and serve Him my whole life and God put in my heart to reach out the corners of the world just to take the gospel of Jesus.

Youth With a Mission (YWAM) – One of my colleague testified about his brother that use to serve in YWAM. I requested her to share his brother’s number so I can enroll myself to join a 6 month long DTS, (Discipleship Training School).  After having a phone discussion, it was in the month of September 2018. I packed up my luggage and head to Punjab, 307 km by road which takes you 6hr 30 min.

Something very interesting I found about YWAM is that they run by faith and it’s a faith based ministry. My faith and foundation in God grew stronger and stronger.  Every week I  learned more about such topics as:

With all this wisdom and knowledge it’s finally time to put into practice. During the outreach two months I got to see how I’m applying my learning into practice and many live’s were impacted immensely. The power of God and the power of His miracles was everywhere and more than 160 live’s were surrendered to Jesus. Amen.

Finally it’s time to leave, I graduated from YWAM, DTS and now I have the Great Commission:

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned, Mark 16:15-16.

I started praying earnestly to God to open the door for me to serve Him. God works when you least expect Him, he answered my prayer and through the YWAM organization I made contact with the base in Ica, San Juan Bautista, Perú,  a place devastated by major earthquake in 2007 where homes were destroyed, buildings and churches shattered. As a result, today a large number of people still live in insecurity and financial shortcomings.  The need for Jesus is apparent!  LAMA, (Latin American Missions Association), is in need of volunteers and missionaries to serve and help them for long or short term with the objective to bring about the love of Jesus among the children, women and men, widows and elderly. God has put in my heart to serve with LAMA and I’m the answer to their earnest prayers. I thank God for how He put things right in order. Praise the Lord.

One thing in my mind and that always challenges is my faith when comes to finance.  I always have faith in God and believes in my heart that God is the source of all our needs and is the ultimate finisher and provider of our needs. I never fail to doubt God when he is the creator of heaven and earth? What could possibly bigger? Certainly not finance!   It doesn’t mean He will rain money from heaven.

Prayer and faith are invisible which makes impossible things possible but faith without action is dead.  I have kept the faith and to put it into action, I gotta do something!  I have to obey my calling and it’s you that can help me with resources so that I can start my journey. I have to raise funds for my mission trip to Perú. I pray that somewhere in your heart you’ll  find a place to glorify God by helping a missionary to further God’s kingdom.

HELP OR SPONSOR ME TO RAISE $5000 that includes covering my monthly fees $250 to cover meals and lodging, outreach, airfare, etc.

The State of Nagaland was formally inaugurated on December 1st, 1963, as the 16th State of the Indian Union. It is bounded by Assam in the West, Myanmar (Burma) on the east, Arunachal Pradesh and part of Assam on the North and Manipur in the South.  The predominant religion of Nagaland is Christianity. The state’s population is 1.988 million, out of which 90.02% are Christians. More than 98% of the Naga people identify themselves as Christian. The 2001 census recorded the state’s Christian population at 1,790,350, making it, with Meghalaya and Mizoram, one of the three Christian-majority states in India and the only state where Christians form 90% of the population. The state has a very high church attendance rate in both urban and rural areas. Huge churches dominate the skylines of Kohima, Dimapur, and Mokokchung.

Prayer and faith are invisible which makes impossible things possible but faith without action is dead.  I have kept the faith and to put it into action, I gotta do something!  I have to obey my calling and it’s you that can help me with resources so that I can start my journey. I have to raise funds for my mission trip to Perú. I pray that somewhere in your heart you’ll  find a place to glorify God by helping a missionary to further God’s kingdom.

HELP OR SPONSOR ME TO RAISE $5000 that includes covering my monthly fees $250 to cover meals and lodging, outreach, airfare, etc.

Every dollar will help.  Obviously this is not as healthy as if I could get finances supported by 10 to 20 individuals, churchs or families for instance. I would welcome any and all suggestions you might have. I would especially love your prayers and support in any way that you can offer.   If  you would like to write me directly, please use this email link  to send any questions to me.

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